Arch Linux One Of The Easiest Distros To Install

1 min read

Arch Linux now comes with the “archinstall” helper library which automates the installation of Arch. It is packaged with different …

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  1. 2

    I guess I couldn’t get past step one as they do not provide a download link that works normally. Why in the heck are they using torrents and whatever that magnet file is? Why not just provide a link to the iso file? I’d like to do the install but I’m not doing torrents or any other convoluted hoop jumping just to get the install file.

  2. 5

    I love this both for its convenience, and as a concept. I can show people who are interested in Linux how to install Arch this way, then they can get to learning Linux by using linux, and install it manually later if they so choose. It’s convenient because I can have an Arch system with a full featured desktop environment like KDE up and running in less than 3 mintues, and I can do it on multiple computers back to back very quickly. Manual installation is good to know, but when you arleady know it, it’s nice to have a way of doing it more efficiently when needed.

  3. 6

    I really like the arch install command because it lets me just install a super minimal install with all the basics already set up and then I just build my system from that. For me it only saves time from what I would have done anyways, and then I just add only what I want and not what is preinstalled with the more bloated profiles.

  4. 8

    The problem i always have, i put my Root partition and home partition on two separate drives. I can’t ever figure out how to mount and configure those properly in the Arch setup. Setting the proper flags and mount options between both drives.

  5. 9

    I have a hard time letting go of my old manual install of Arch. I did archinstall one time and something went wrong and it wouldn’t boot. I didn’t spend any time troubleshooting, and just went back to the manual method.

    Is the manual install unnecessary these days, sure. But I just find comfort in it.

  6. 15

    I remember switching to Arch from EndeavourOS using archinstall but my wifi worked worse than endeavouros os i switched back. After finding my solution, I took the time to do manual install of Arch and so far my computer works flawlessly. Still, Archinstall is a pretty dope tool for newbies

  7. 18

    Installed arch via archinstall recently and it bugged on me by creating ~16Gb of empty space betveen sda1 and sda2 and around 5Gb of empty space after last partition. Fixing was annoying but other than that worked great

  8. 19

    wth😂, I just learned and understood how to install arch thru wiki 3 weeks ago. and learned the fastest way last sat, thru your video from 2020. now there’s an easy mode 🤣🤣🤣

  9. 20

    how to use xinti file to start window manager in arch i am stuck in between diplay manager and xinit. Like i have installed arch linux with window manager “DWM” and i create two user and now i want to try other window manager like “xmonad , awesome ,etc ” and some desktop enviornment so when i use a dispaly manager like “lightdm” it does show me xmonad but not showing DWM in user session and i tried to download other like “xfce4 ” lightdm show me xmonad and lightdm in user-session but not showing me my dwm . I want to keep dwm as my default and want to use other user for using other desktop enviornment and window manager what should i do . And i also tried it with xinitrc file but in second user xmonad does not work and dwm does for that . Need help any one i am new to arch linux

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